27 March, 2009


Humans are made up of two opposite entities, the physical and the spiritual. Our physical being - our bodies - want to enjoy the life of this world and all the pleasures it brings along. The spiritual being in us- the soul - wants to live a life of doing the will and attaching itself to our creator, Hashem. Our purpose in this world is to uplift our physical being that its only will is to serve Hashem. (When one dies everything returns to its origin, our physical to the earth while our souls go up back to Hashem.) The ending of the Bracha of Asher Yatzor is ‘Umafli lasos’. The Remah explains that the ‘pelah’ of the human is that the spiritual and physical can live together in the same body.
R’ Yitzchok Hutner says that the force that keeps these beings together is food. Food is a totally physical entity that keeps our souls in our bodies and sustains us.
There are four levels of creations in this world. The first is ‘domaim’- inanimate objects i.e. stones. Then comes ‘tzomaiach’- growing species i.e. grass, trees etc. The third level is ‘baal chai’- living beings i.e. the animal kingdom. And above all them is a ‘medaber’- speaking beings or humans. (The kuzri points out that there is a fifth level- don’t tell this to the goyim- which is the Jew.) The Ramban says that each level of creations feeds off the level below them and uplifts them to a higher madraigah. Trees get their nutrients from the soil thus uplifting the soil to the category of ‘tzomaiach’. Animals in turn eat the growing species. (There is a question that should be asked here I’ll leave that to you). Humans feast on the animal kingdom and thus uplift the baal chai to the highest level, and thus uplifting the ‘tzomaiach’- which was uplifted by the animal and the ‘domaim’ which was uplifted by the ‘tzmomaiach’. When a Jew eats with the right intentions he has the possibility to uplift the entire creation. (That is why Yitchok liked eating meat- not for its taste but rather for the opportunity to elevate the world). That is why when it comes Shabbos, Yom Tov or a simcha shel mitzvah we celebrate by eating- and preferably eating meat- for at those elevated times it’s easier to tap into the kedusha and uplift the world. That is why it is food that connects the soul and body- for it’s our opportunity to not just elevate ourselves but show that we are on a higher plane then any other creation in the world- it is they that sustain us.
This is why the highest form of serving Hashem is thru sacrificing animals for him. We are using and uplifting the world around us to his service and thus connecting ourselves to the omnipotent Hashem.

On Rosh Chodesh Nissan the day Klal Yisroel build the mishkon, Hashem told Moshe upon the deaths of Nadav and Avuhu, ‘bekrovai akodesh’- by those near me will I be sanctified. This year the first two days of Nissan Klal Yisroel lost two Torah giants. On Rosh Chodesh the great leader and backbone of Klal Yisroel R’ Elya Svei was taken from us. On the 2nd day of the month R’ Yakov Zakhiem a great Talmud chochem and a link to prewar yeshivas was summoned to the heavenly Yeshiva. May their death inspire us to go in their ways and be able to sanctify Hashem in our lifetime.

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