20 March, 2009

Parshas Hachodesh

The Ramban says that Sefer Shemos details Yitzias Mitzraim which was the creation and birth of the nation of Yisroel and ends with the building of the Mishkon which was a creation and building of a home for Hashem in this world. (We find that the building of the Mishkon parallels the creation of the world - hence the thirty nine melochos of Shabbos are the same as the thirty nine melochos of the building of the Mishkon.) We also find the creation and giving of the Torah in the sefer of Shemos. In each of thees three 'creations' we find that Rosh Chodesh plays a role. The Mitzva Klal Yisroel was given before they started the preparations for the night they became a nation was Rosh Chodesh. The Shelah says that the creation of Klal Yisroel was actualy on Rosh Chodesh Nissan. (That is why we say in the Haggadah 'Yachol m'Rosh Chodesh'- One would think the mitzva of sepor yitzias Mitzraim starts on Rosh Chodesh Nissan.) Incidentally (or is it?) Rashi in Parshas Beraishis points out that it would've been proper to start the Torah from that point with the Mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh. The Mishkon was finished in Kislev but wasn't dedicated until Nissan on Rosh Chodesh. We find the same thing at the creation of the world. (After all, all of these creations mirror each other for they are all the same thing as we say Shabbos by Mincha- "Atah Echod - the world, veshimcha echod - the Torah, umi K'amcha Yisroel goy echod- Klal Yisroel.") The last day of creation- the first Friday was also Rosh Chodesh.

What is it about the day of Rosh Chodesh that plays such a prominent role in the creation of the universe and of Klal Yisroel?

We end the middle brocha of the Shabbos Shemona Esrah with "mekadash haShabbos"- Hashem is the one who sanctifies Shabbos. While on Yom Tov we say "Mekadash Yisroel v'hazmanim"- He sanctifies Yisroel who in turn sanctify the seasons. Shabbos comes every week and its kedusha is given to us as a gift from Hashem, we don't have to do anything to make the day holy- that's Hashems 'job'. Yom Tov on the other hand gets its kedusha from Klal Yisroel. The process in which Bais Din decides what day Rosh Chodesh will be is called 'Kiddush Hachodesh'- Bais Din, as the representatives of Klal Yisroel go ahead and impart Kedusha into the day of Rosh Chodesh and thus sanctifying the whole month.

The message of Rosh Chodesh is that Klal Yisroel has the power to sanctify the whole creation with their deeds. No creation was ever complete without the contribution from us humans. When we act with kedusha all of the universe is uplifted and sanctified.

Based on my understanding of a Mamor from R' Meir Belsky Shlita.

For another look at Parshas Hachodesh click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rosh Chodesh is also special because that's when the kollel checks come (unless you're in Lakewood, then it comes as often as Birchas Hachama).