15 January, 2009

Parshas Shemos

We know that 'Ain haShechina shora elah metoch simcha'- the divine presence doesn't manifest itself only when one is in a state of happiness. Moshe as being worthy of leading Klal Yisroel- definitely felt the pain of what Klal Yisroel was going through. Reb Klonimus Kalman Zatzal Hy'd, in his sefer Aish Kodesh (the torah he said in the Warsaw ghetto) asks, how was Moshe able to manage thees two conflicting emotions of being b'simcha and that of feeling the anguish of his fellow Jew?
He answers that the above mentioned rule that one must be b'simcha to be able to reach the level of prophecy is only in a time that the Shechina is in a state of happiness. But the times in history when Klal Yisroel was going through hardships and the Shechina was in pain, the only way to reach the Shechina was through feeling the pain of Klal Yisroel and thus being in the same state of mind as the Shechina itself. This may be a symbolism of the burning bush. The first prophecy that Moshe saw taught him this lesson- that the only way to climb the ladder of spiritual success is through feeling and living with the pain that our fellow brothers are feeling.


Anonymous said...

uuummm... that's parshas va'aira...

and, dude, get a spam blocker

yakidy yak

Anonymous said...

my bad. I take that back

Reb Y. Brachfeld said...

Did I miss something?

Anonymous said...

Reb Y- great vort-- right to the point...
c u mtzsh