02 January, 2009

Just a Thought- The Life of Yosef

After being sold by his own brothers, Yosef - a seemingly unwanted individual, finally gets some stability in his life when he was working as a head butler for Poteifar, a minister in Mitzraim. We all know the story of how he overcame the great test and didn't succumb to his yetzer harah. What was his reward for all this? He was thrown into prison once again unwanted and downtrodden. What would our reaction be? We would say "Hashem enough of all this. This is the reward I get for withstanding the greatest challenge of my life, to be thrown down once again!". But that is not how Yosef looked at it. In every stage of his exile we see that Hashem was with him, he always saw the good in what was happening, always found strength from his connection to Hashem and even in a foreign prison all alone he kept his head held high and was successful there. At the end of the story we see where this all lead him. Because he was in jail he was able to interpret the dream of the 'sar hamashkim' and thus start the process of becoming the king of Eygpt. It was because he was in jail- the excuse for him to give up on all hope - that gave him the opportunity to become a king.

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