22 September, 2008

Rosh Hashana Mussef- Tidbits

The Sefer Haikrim categorizes the thirteen ikrim into three basic categories. 1. To believe that Hashem is one 2. the Torah is from heaven 3. that there is reward and punishment. The Marasha says that the three special brochos we add to the Rosh Hashanana Mosef parallels the three ikrim. Malcheus is in lieu with the belief that Hashem is one. Zechronas represents schar and onish we say that Hashem remembers all that transpired since the beginning of time and takes it all into account when he hands out rewards. The third bracha of Shoferis represents Mamod Har Sinai, when the shofer sound was heard as Klal Yisroel was given the Torah.

Did you realise that the brochos of Malcheus and Shoferis have eleven pesukim each?

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