01 September, 2008

Point to ponder- Yomim Noraim

During our weekday Shemona Esrah we have one brocha where we daven for the abolishing of the wicked- 'velamalshienim'. And one brocha asking for the welfare of the righteous 'al hatzadikim'. In the shemona esrah of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, both of these tefillos are found in the brocha of 'Ata Kodosh'. We say 'U'vechain Tzadikim'- where we ask that the Tzadikim should live to and enjoy the times of Moshiach. Then we ask 'Vechol haresha kula kason techleh'- the evil in the world should disintegrate.
Why is it that during the year we first ask for the abolishment of evil- sur m'rah and then the asai tov- the longevity of the righteous, while on the Yomim Noraim we switch the order to first aseh tov and then sur m'rah?


doodlehead said...

perhaps it goes with the whole tshuva theme. being on our best behavior etc.

Reb Y. Brachfeld said...

Sorry but i dont get your point.

doodlehead said...

ykno, like aseh tov being more important cuz we're trying to rectify our past deeds on yomim noraim.