04 July, 2008

Parshas Chukas

Chazal learn from this week’s Parsha that Torah cannot be acquired only if one kills himself for its sake. This seems like an impossible level to attain, if one is dead how does he acquire torah?
The Chazzon Ish (Igress Chazon Ish chelek aleph pg. 27) explains that Chazal aren’t referring to death in its actual meaning, rather a superficial death. A person is defined by his actions, the character traits he was born with. If one by nature is easily angered, by definition he’s an angry person. Every time this person doesn’t get angry he’s in essence ‘killing’ himself. With every bad middah we overcome we leave our previous lives and live a new life on a higher plane then before. That is what the Chazal teach us, Torah can only be acquired if we work on our middos, kill the bad traits we were born with and live the life that the Torah prescribes for us. It’s a goal that might be difficult- but definitely attainable.


doodlehead said...

very nice. Although what happens if you have a techias hameisim? :(

Anonymous said...

The Chofetz Chaim al Hatorah in Parshas Vaeschanan interprets this to mean that in order to study Torah properly one must make himself dead to the world. In addition he says one should imagine that he has only one day to live, there is only one blatt Gemorah (or whatever subject your learning), and you are the the only one in the world commanded to learn it ie: the world needs YOU to learn this specific thing NOW in order to continue to exist.
Something to think about.
P.S. In light of recent events in the world, I have decided that this blog can't be any worse then North Korea and as such I have lifted the embargo that was in place!
I also noticed you started spelling your name with a Q and that makes me proud.
Gut Shabbos.

Reb Y. Brachfeld said...

Karma- my apology to you- for as i was reading last years vaad on Parshas Chukas guess whos comment i came across....
And thanx for that Chofetz Chaim. Very nice.
Doodle- Thats a valid point I guess well findout when the time comes.