27 June, 2008

Parshas Korach

The Mishna in Avos says that ten things were created Friday afternoon bein hashmoshos- one of them being the hole that swallowed Korach. The Maharal explains that Friday afternoon is the bridge between the mundane days of the week and the holy Shabbos. The twelve and a half minutes of bein hashmoshos is part of the six days of creation and thus something had to be created. At the same time it’s part of Shabbos so whatever was created had the spark of Shabbos in it- an added kedusha. The ten things created at that point were all things that are physical but yet have an extra spark of ruchnius- spiritualism. (I.e. Bilam’s donkey was a regular donkey but had a spiritual charge that gave it the power of speech.) That is why we light Shabbos candles at that moment for the candles are the spark that links the days of creation into the world of menucha.
Rabbeinu Yona says that when one is born he gets his neshoma from the heavens and his body comes from the ground. When one is niftar the two parts separate and return to where they came from, the body is buried in the ground while the soul returns to heaven for judgment and eventually back to the heavenly throne where it came from.
May we suggest that under normal circumstances the earth cannot swallow a human soul. The ability for the earth to rise up and be able to swallow a human soul - something purely spiritual, was something that was only able to be created bein hashmoshos on Friday. Just like everything else on the list the ‘mouth of the earth’ that swallowed Korach, was something physical with a touch of spirit added.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

True that. FYI, Rabbi Moshe Fienstein hold Bain Hashmoshes is 13.5 minutes.