01 August, 2007

Married to Hashem

V'ata yisroel mah Hashem Elokecha doresh mimcha. Now Yisroel what does Hashem ask of you, all He asks for is to Fear Him, go in His ways, love Him and serve Him with all your heart an soul.

Imagine some one telling you "all I ask you to do is my laundry, wash my car, giv me food and give me money" you would tell him go take a hike, I'll do you a favor but what you're asking for is to give up my day for you and you tell me all I as you is....?

So to in the passuk above "all" Hashem asks for is a whole lot not a little favor?

another interesting thing is that Chazal tell us that there is an allusion to the Rabbinic mitzvah of making 100 brochos a day in the above passuk. For instead of reading the word as mah, what, read it as meah, 100, an allusion to 100 brochos a day. the question is what does 100 brochos have to do with the above passuk?

In order to answer the question let us go back to our friend asking us all he needs from us is.....

Now lets imagine the friend who is asking you this is your wife, or your husband. When you asked your wife "will you marry me?" and she excitedly said YES!!!, in effect what both of you were saying was You'll be cooking for me, doing my laundry, cleaning my house and so on. And when she said yes, she was saying, you'll be going to work and support me, give me my needs whatever they may be. These were things that are laying behind a simple question and answer, but no one thinks of that why? because we're dealing with marriage, and all these things are just part of the deal called marriage, and are even minor things when we look at the whole picture.

Now imagine this couple is married and he is bringing home the money, taking out the garbage and all his other jobs, she is cooking, cleaning and running a very efficient home, but they don't talk to each other. That's not a marriage you'll say, why, everyone is doing what their supposed to be doing? The answer is because one of the keys of marriage is communication speaking to each other and sharing life's experiences with each other, if this is lacking no matter how good you do our job you don't have a marriage.
So to Klal Yisroel's relationship with Hashem. Hashem doesn't need us to work for Him, do Him favors or for us to kiss up to Him. What Hashem wants from us is a bond, a connection something we call a bris. When Hashem tells us all I ask of you is to fear Me, go in My ways etc. , He is saying that I want you to live your life together with Me, be "married" to Me, and then it will be all I ask of you, because we are working on something so much more than these minor details.
And this is why there is an allusion to 100 daily borochos. because since a bond is developed through communication, in order for us to "communicate" with Hashem we make brochos. We tell Hashem thank you for preparing such a wonderful world for me, I'm going through this and this issue please help me or just saying hi I'm connected to you. Saying these things is what makes us live with Hashem, and that is why 100 brochos is so important. And this is the reason why it is alluded to in this passuk, it is telling us how to live with Hashem that all the things we do for Him are "all He asks of us".
May we all be zoche to really live our lives married to Hakodosh Boroch Hu.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

reb Y, im a little upset, ok not really, i read this post and i was blown away- i was like "REB Y WOW" but then i saw it was reb sabra... OK

"in effect what both of you were saying was You'll be cooking for me, doing my laundry, cleaning my house and so on." im totally in for such a marriage"

and "she was saying, you'll be going to work and support me"
UHHHHHH HUMM!!! well nowadays it is bot laundry cleaning work and support me:

ok to the more normal things- yes very strong point- its hard to imagine it- but that is why you gotta try- its like we are sposto imagine hashem is in front of us all day, we can try but it takes work.
hashem has his hand out to us,, im trying to climb up still without falling
have a good shabbos guys