10 August, 2007

Parshas Re'ai

ראה אנכי נתן לפניכם היום ברכה וקללה "See, I place before you this day; blessing and curse." The Mefoshrim all ask what does the posuk mean by 'see'? What is it that we should see? Wouldn't the verb 'hear' be more appropriate?
The Baal Haturim explains the pasuk to mean, See- the time when Hashem said 'anochi'- the beginning of the ten commandments. Hashem is telling us the secret in making the right decisions, to make sure we choose blessing over curse, is that we should visualize the moment of the giving of the Torah when we saw the glory of Hashem. When we stood at the foot of Har Sinai we were able to see the sounds. What was the need for that miracle of seeing what we were hearing? The Nesivous Shalom explains that 'seeing is believing' when someone sees something no one can disprove it and convince him that it never happened. Hashem made us see the glory of matan Torah so when a time comes and your not sure what to do visualize that moment of history when you saw what's right and what's wrong. That is what the Baal Haturim means 'Look', visualize for your self a time that you did see and it wasn't just hearing what someone told you. You actually saw Hashem's glory and by seeing it you cannot forget it and no one can steer you off the right path.

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