16 July, 2007

Harav Shloma Ben Harav Ben Tzion Zatza'l Admir M'Bobov

The second Bais Hamikdosh was destroyed due to sinas chinam- senseless hatred. R' Shloma of Bobov explains that the merit Rochal had that the Bais Hamikdosh was built in her sons portion- in the area of Binyomin was because she sacrificed her future all that her sister shouldn't be embarrassed in the slightest. Even though she knew that she was to help Yakov build the shevatim and yet she gave the simanim that Yakov gave her, to her sister. It was this misieras nefesh that built the Bais Hamikdosh and now that Klal Yisroel didn't have this Middah all was lost.
One can see what a Gadol stands for, by learning his Torah and understanding how he looked at the Torah. In this piece we see exactly what the Bobover Rebbi stood for and what he was moser nefesh for. Today on his Yortzait let us learn this lesson. May the Rov Zatzal be a Mieletz Yosher for all of Yisroel he so loved. Amen

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