12 July, 2007

Parshas Mattos

"Lo kol hamarba beschora mechakim" Not everyone that's involved in business will get smart. (Avos, 2;7) The Chassam Sofer explains that this is referring to torah learning, (as we find Posukim that call Torah by the name 'sechora') that not everyone that learns will become smart. There are types of learning which won't make as big as an impression on a person. He gives a parable to illustrate this point. There was a big rav that came to town to speak to the kehilla. One fellow told his friend - how about you go to the drasha and I'll sit and learn during that time and when your done you'll tell me what the rav said and I'll tell you what i learned. The Chasam Sofer says that this system will not work. When a Rebbi speaks before a crowd and is spreading Torah leshma his words are on the level of Moshe Rabbainu. This level was that "Hakodosh Buroch Hu medaber metoch groino" Hashem was the one talking through Moshe's throat. When one learns directly from a Gadol he's hearing the Shecinah speak and for that Torah there's no substitute. Even if someone tells you word for word that Torah will not make you smarter, only Torah that you learn from your rebbi will make you a real chacham.
That is what the Torah is saying "Vayidaber Moshe el roshai hamatos l'bnei yisroel" Moshe spoke to the heads of the tribes, to the Jews. Moshe wanted to teach Klal Yisroel how to learn Torah even when he's not around. Klal Yisroel was getting ready to go into Eretz Yisroel without Moshe, the one that gave them the Torah from Hashem. Without him how would they learn Torah, who would be able to teach them as well as Moshe did? To this Moshe told them the key. Learn Torah from the "Roshai matos" everyone is to go to their leader to learn and by doing so they will really be listening to the Shechina speak. Just like they did when Moshe taught them Torah.
Today 27th day of Tamuz is the yahrtzeit of my grandfather Mordechai ben Chaim Tzvi, a yid that lived with this in mind. The way he would talk about and be mechabed Gedolai Yisroel he must have looked at them as his link to Sinai and his attachment to the Shecinah itself. Yehai zecroh boruch.

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