29 August, 2008

Parshas Reai

ראה אנכי נתן לפניכם היום ברכה וקללה. The meforshim all ask, why does the posuk start using the singular form- "You ('Reai' singular) shall see" and continue in the plural- "Before you ('lefnaichem' plural)"?
The Kotzker aswers, the Torah was given the same to every Jew, each one of us have the same potential connection to the Torah. The only difference is how much we as individuals connect and learn the Torah. Every Jew has the potential to fully attach himself to every word of Hashem, for it was given to all of us together. It's our personal choice of how much we realy want to be connected and live with Hashem's words.
With this in mind the question doesn't start, each one of us has to see for himself how much of the Torah- that was given to all of Yisroel- he wants.

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