24 May, 2008

A Comment From Reb Z. on The Shavuos Question

I heard a very nice speech yesterday which in a nutshell explained that what we really are celebrating Shavuos is (not the actual matan torah, but) the level that we reached through the avodah over the 49 days of sefirah.. a level which brought us to the possibility of receiving the Torah. Each Jew in his own way can strive to reach that level with the proper focus and work each and every year by realizing that even the seemingly mundane and unholy (working the field)can be raised to a level of kedusha. This can be accomplished by working on ourselves to come to the realization that the benefits we reap from our work in the field (and in business) is all from Hashem and we have no control over it. Once we reach that level we can be vessels ready to receive the Torah properly. This explains why on Pesach we bring the Omer made of barley (animal feed) and on Shavuos we bring the Two Loaves made of Chametz, which symbolizes the Yetzer Hara; we are showing that before we start working on ourselves (Pesach) we are not on the level to bring chametz, but after the days of sefira we are now on a level where we can bring chametz to demostrate that even the our evil inclination can be raised to be used to do acts of kedusha. And indeed the Torah makes no mention of Matan Torah when it mentions Shavuos! This explains why we celebrate Shavuos! COmments are welcome...


Anonymous said...

When you write that even our evil inclination can be used for good, you should include a disclaimer stating that this should not be attempted at home unless you are a trained professional.

Anonymous said...

very clever karma dude! But to clarify.. I didn't mean that we should tempt ourselves with our yetzer hara (as some mefarshim explain the acts of Yosef Hatzadick in Mitzraim).. but that we when we are already in a situation of gashmius we should use our energies and capabilities to turm it into something spiritual and holy. When singing to a song - have in mind what the words mean (according to R' Yisroel Reisman this constitutes tefilla); when working - have in mind you working to support a family so they can grow in ruchnius.. etc.

Reb Y. Brachfeld said...

The Baal Torah Temmia points out that in Parshas Emor where the laws of Yomim Tovim are taught, the only halachos of Shevuos are that of the Bekurim. The avodah of Shevuos is the korben of the shni lechem which is a continuation of the Korban haomer. The point being that the approach to Shevuos started Peasach with the Korban haomer and continued with sefiras haomer and ends with Shevous. Ill stop blabling now