03 July, 2007

Story Time

A yid once came to the Satmer Rebbe, who was known for his zealousness, and asked why is there a break in the middle of the story of Pinchos? Why is it that the story of what happened is in Parshas Balak and Pinchos' reward is stated in this week's Parsha? The Yid answered that the lesson is that before one acts zealously he must think about it for a week and only then act. To which the Rebbe answered - the reason is that all cheder kids learn the beginning of the Parsha and not the end. Had the whole story been taught at the end of last week's Parsha the cheder kids wouldn't learn the lesson of zealousness that we learn from Pinchas.


Anonymous said...

I said this over in the bungalow colony. SOmeone present told me a different version.

The person told the Satmar Rebbe that it is written in a separate parsha because kanoyim stand alone; noone wants to be with them. To which the Rebbe answered that it is for the cheder yingelach, etc.

Juggling Frogs said...

Very nice. Yasher koach.