22 May, 2007

Kish Echod Belaiv Echod

The Chazal tell us that at the time of Kabbolas Hatorah 600,000 angels came down and crowned each member of Yisroel with the crown of Torah. The question is raised why did Hashem need 600,000 malachim to do the job wouldn't one malach suffice? Whats the significance that every Jew got his personal delivery of his crown?
The answer is quite simple, we know that one Malach cannot do two missions at the same time, each mission needs a separate angel. (as we see in Parshas V'yiera that three Malachim came to Avraham- one to heal him, the second to tell him that he'll have a son and the third to destroy sedom.) Chazal teach us that there are 600,000 letters in the Torah corresponding to the 600,000 Jews that were at Har Sini- which are representatives of all the Jews through the ages. (If you count you won't find that many letters but that's for a differant time.) Every member of Klal Yisroel has his own part in the torah, we say in davening "Vesain chelkainu betorahsecha" we ask for our own private portion of Torah. We all have a letter in the Torah that belongs to us and only us, our own personal part in the Torah. That is why we needed 600,00 Malachim because every Yid got a separate portion in the Torah. You couldn't have one Malach giving two people their crowns because no two crowns are alike, just like no two people are alike. Realising this doesn't just effect how you deal with your own learning, your own portion in Torah, but one must realize that his friends portion is different then his own, that just like you'r unique so to is your next door neighbor unique and you need his part of Torah in order for the Torah to be complete. This is why there had to be achdus - unity- at Kabbolas Hatorah for in order for everyone to receive a complete Torah he has to be willing to learn from all 599,999 other portions of the Torah besides his own. Rabbi Nachman says a beautiful analogy just like in a Sefer Torah if two letters are touching it makes it possel, so to if you just "touch" your friends feelings it renders your Torah possel. If you want the Torah to be complete you most make sure your friends and all of Yisroel are complete also. We all are busy Shevous with bien adam lamokom let's stop for a minute sometime during the Yom Tov of Kabbolas Hatorah and see if our bien adam lechaveriro is up to the same standards, and as one and only as one will we be mekabel the complete Torah. Gut Yom Tov!
Inspired by Rav C.A.F. (Hence the achdus theme) Thanx for everything.


Anonymous said...

It took me from Shavous until now, but I finally finished counting. There's 304,805 letters in the Torah. Expound please on the 600,000 reference.

Reb Y. Brachfeld said...

"(If you count you won't find that many letters but that's for a differant time.)"
Sorry not for now...