30 April, 2007

Are we using our brains?

I heard a amazing story/insight from R' Y. Hutner. A talmud of his once came by bus from Yerushlaim to vist him in Netanyah. Of course he took along a sefer to keep him company on the bus. He walked in to his Rosh Yeshiva and the first thing he said was 'you dont have 2 hours of torah in your head?' meaning, that theres no reason a ben torah wherever he goes shouldnt have what to think about in torah, that he shouldnt even need a sefer. Theres even more to it, he had a complaint that the talmud dosn't know how to think in learning without a sefer, that thinking without one trains the mind to think deeper into learning. How many of us can think in learning more then five minutes away from a gemorah, I know I cant. Its something that takes training. We all have enough of material to cover ten minutes (i hope) but do we hav the concentration?
What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Mr S meets Uncle S one Shabbos at a kiddush, Uncle S had a long walk to this kiddush.

Mr S: Good Shabbos, how was the walk?
Uncle S: Pretty good, had some nice company.
Mr S: Who'd you walk with.
Uncle S: Myself!

If you could handle a long drive, walk, etc... without any external stimulation, you are well on your way to to using your brain, you just need to make sure you have enough torah in there to keep you occupied.

reb sabra said...

the idea of not taking a sefer isn't necceserly to think in learning but to learn how to think period.
our world is telling us dont think to quote nike to just do it to take a little time off to think is an amazing thing to do
and lets just do it!!!!!!!