12 January, 2010

Tefilah Point to Ponder

Every Yom Tov shemona esrah includes the tefilah of 'Atah bechartanu'. Shabbos tefilos do not include this insert. The Levush explains that Shabbos preceeded the choosing of Klal Yisroel, we received the mitzva of Shabbos before kabbolas hatorah. The mussaf of Rosh Chodesh is also missing the insert of 'Atah bechartanu'- the reasoning of the Levush can be applied here as well.
Why is it that when Rosh Chodesh falls on Shabbos (as the coming Shabbos) in Mussaf we find the words 'Atah bechartanu'?

A Huge Mazel Tov to L. Sheinfeld on the birth of a baby boy!

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