25 December, 2009

Parshas Va'yigash

When Yosef revealed himself to his brothers he proved himself by saying “And behold your eyes see…. That it is my mouth that I’m speaking unto you”. Rashi explains that he spoke to them in ‘Lashon Hakodesh’- Hebrew. The Ramban asks, anyone can learn to speak any language so what kind of proof was that he was their long lost brother by speaking Hebrew?
The Chasam Sofer explains Rashi with a basic understanding of this language and what makes it ‘Hakodesh’- holy.
When the Jews went into their first exile, Bavel after the first churban they forgot their native language of Hebrew. How was it that they were a mere seventy years removed from their homeland and Hebrew was almost forgotten? Why is it that in today’s day some of us were brought up with a ‘Jewish’ language- Yiddish and yet Biblical Hebrew is all but forgotten?
Unlike any other language Hebrew is not made up of mere words but each and every word is the actual essence of what it describes. The classic example is: The word used for ‘said’ and the word used for ‘thing’ are very similar ‘Deeber’ and ‘Davar’- for they are in essence the same thing the word and how it’s said is just a way of expressing the thing. The holiness of Hebrew is that it is Hashem’s language, it is the language that was used to create and build the world. Hashem created the world with ten utterances, he actually build the entire universe with the words of Lashon Hakodesh as his ‘tools’. Everything in the world was build and is being sustained by Hashem ‘saying’ the word. Hence it is called holy, for it is the key to creation.
To be able to properly speak Lashon Hakodesh,to construct words and sentences of this holy language, one most be holy himself. That is why throughout the galus we forgot this holy language for we aren’t on the level of kedusha to be able to speak it. Yosef told his brothers look at me I spent 22 years here in the spiritual wasteland of Egypt and yet I retained my holiness and can still properly speak the awesome language of Hashem.


karma dude said...

There are many examples of this. It is worth reading the chapter titled “Language” in the book “Letters to a Buddhist Jew” by Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz and David Gottleib (incidentally, the whole book is worth reading). In addition there is a speech by Tatz that talks about this at length and gives a lot of examples but unfortunately I can’t find the title right now.
There is also a very informative essay by one Malka Goldblatt titled HEBREW: THE SACRED LANGUAGE that speaks about the many unique features Loshen Hakodesh contains. (You find it by goggling it).
Have a good shabbos and a freilachen kratzmach.

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