31 July, 2009

Story Time- Nechama

On Friday the 17th day of Av 1929 truckloads of Arabs carried out a terrible massacre on the Yidden of Chevron. By the 20th of Av, the florishing yishuv of Chevron had ended.
The first Rosh Hashana after the massacre the survivors of Chevron with their families, gathered together to daven in yerushlaim. The room wore an air of pain and deep anguish, of dejection bordering on despair. The mashgiach R' Lieb Chasman asked a bucher R' Betzalel Shikovitzky to lead the Yeshiva with marriv the first night. After the conregation finished the second bracha- Ahavas olam, the chazzen began "V'ahavascha al tasir mimenu l'olamim"- And never, ever remove your love from us. Tears choked his throat as he said the words once and then a second time and kept on repeating the words- Hashem always did and continues to love us- over and over again. Like one person all present all the ones that had witnessed that terrible tragedy repeated along with the chazzen "V'ahavascha al tasir mimenu l'olamim". It was that tfillah that gave them strength to accept Hashem judgment with love.