28 May, 2009

Parshas Naso

Here in Eretz Yisroel this week Shabbos we lien Parshas Naso.
The Torah gives a special blessing to a sotah who is found to be innocent. The Posuk (5;28) states that if she drinks the bitter water and she is pure and innocent she is blessed with children. This woman was someone that definatly wasn't a tzadaikis, she was someone that her husband accused her of the worst and lowliest acts of betryal. Why is it that she is blessed with such a special bracha?
R' Yaakov Kaminetzky answers that the institution of marriage is such that if there is a serious accusition as the one of sotah, naturally there is no way for the peace in the home to return. The Shalom Bais of this couple needs special intervention from above and only a promise from the Torah can restore the peace. The shalom bais of every couple is so important, that even the marriage of this accused woman warrants special attention from Hashem.

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