'V'yikra Elokim l'or yom'- This says the Medrish, refers to the deeds of the rightous 'Velachoshech korie layla'- refer to the deeds of the wicked and which one does Hashem prefer- 'Vyar Elokim es h'or ki tov' He likes the light of the righteous. This Medrish need explanation. Why was it ever a question whose deeds are loftier - isn't it quite obvious that Hashem would like the righteous?
The Kedushas Levi says that there are two types of middos. There are character traits that are positive and there are middos that are inherently bad but can be used for doing good. For example, some people are soft spoken in nature and some are the angry type. While usually it's a bad middah to be angry, one can utilize it for the good, as in standing up for Hashem's will. The question in the Medrish is which one is a better way to serve Hashem. Should one work on becomeing an easygoing and softspoken indivdual or should he be like Pinchas and act with zealousy. To that Hashem said he'd rather the person deal with people in a pleasant manner and even when one must stand up for Hashem's honor to first and try doing it pleasantly.
Friday the 25th of Tishrei is the yahrtziet of the Kedushas Levi- R' levi Yitzchok of Berditchev. If there was anyone that served Hasham through pleasantness and an 'ein tova' it was the ultimate defender of Klal Yisroel- the 'Heiliga Berdichive'. May his memory be a blessing to all of Yisroel.
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