20 March, 2008


In the zemer of Purim- Shoshanas Yaakov, we say “Berosam yachad techeiles Mordechai”. Klal Yisroel rejoiced when they saw the ‘Techeiles- the blue wool’ of Mordechai. The simple meaning is that techeiles is referring to seeing Mordechai wearing the royal garments. What was it about that scene that provoked the feelings of happiness?
You can suggest that the techeiles isn’t referring to the royal garments just rather to the Tzitzis (which have a string of techeiles) that Mordechai was wearing along with the royal garments.
The sin that lead to all the problems was that they ate from Achashvarosh’s party and that they bowed down to the cross. They really didn’t want to go to the party or bow to the cross, but political obligations made it necessary to join. Mordechai didn’t cave in to the political pressure and tried to convince Klal Yisroel not to go to the party. When they saw Mordechai with all the royal glory and fame- being second to the king, still wearing techeiles- his Tzitzis, they realized what their mistake was. That Mordechai was right and that there was no need to sacrifice their mitzvah observance under any amount of pressure. This was a cause for an extra celebration.
Have a frielechin Purim

1 comment:

doodlehead said...

maybe also cuz blue ticheles is domeh layam, which is domeh to the rokiah, which made them think of hashem, which made them realize hes in charge of the world which made them happy?