28 December, 2007

Parshas Shemos

Chazal tell us that Avraham asked Hashem (Brieshes 15;8) “Bameh aidah”- How will I know that my descendents will inherit me? To which he was answered- seemingly as a punishment- “Yoda tiedah” You shall know that your descendants will have to endure 400 years of exile and suffering. The Masai Hashem (the rebbi of the Alshach and Baal Lecha Dodi) explains that the golous Mitzraim wasn’t a punishment but rather Hashem answered Avrahams question. The very first Rashi in the Torah teaches us that Klal Yisroel having the Torah proves that Eretz Yisroel rightfully belongs to us and we didn’t just go to war and kick the Cnanim out of their land. The Torah is like our receipt that we were righteously given the land as an inheritance. Avraham fully believed in Hashem that he’ll have a son, he just wanted that when the nations of the world should realize that Eretz Yisroel belonged to him. He wanted Hashem to give him the Torah- the deed to Eretz Yisroel right then. To which Hashem told him- not as a punishment but rather as an explanation, three things are only acquired through hardships Eretz Yisroel, Torah and the world to come. In order for your descendants to receive the Torah, and with that Eretz Yisroel they will first have to endure the hardships of a exile, be redeemed and be created by Hashem as a nation. The golous is just the path we must embark on, in order to get to the geulah.

P.s. excuse the grammer, spelling its close to shabbos, sorry. Shabbos Shalom!

1 comment:

reb sabra said...

Golus was created to streghnthen klal yisrael during its trials and turbulations so they can live in e.y. with the ultimate connection to Hashem.